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Saturday 25 May 2024

Article 20

Article 20 China Movie
Movie: Article 20
Chinese Title: 第二十条 / Di Er Shi Tiao
Release Date: February 10, 2024
Genre: Crime, Family
Language: Mandarin
Director: Zhang Yimou
Origin: China

Love Meter

Synopsis and Plot Summary

Since joining the Municipal Procuratorate, Han Ming faces a string of challenges. His son, Han Yuchen, gets into a fight with the school principal's son and refuses to apologize, sparking conflict. Meanwhile, Han's wife, Li Maojuan, confronts the principal out of indignation. His partner, Lu Lingling, adds to the tension with constant disagreements, further complicating pending cases. Amidst this turmoil, another case involving Hao Xiuping reaches a critical juncture. As Han Ming navigates the delicate balance between love and law, he risks everything to ensure fairness and justice prevail.

Article 20 Lei Jiayin Lei Jiayin as Han Ming

Supporting Cast

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