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Friday 17 November 2023

Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2: Zhu Ye

Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2: Zhu Ye / Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2 China Web Drama
Web Drama: Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2: Zhu Ye / Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2
Chinese Title: 狐妖小红娘竹业篇 / Hu Yao Xiao Hong Niang Zhu Ye Pian
Broadcast Website: Tencent
Broadcast Date: TBA
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Language: Mandarin
Episodes: 36
Director: Miao Wenjing, Ding Ya
Origin: China
Related: Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Yue Hong
Source: A live-action adaptation of the manhua of the same name by Tuo Xiaoxin
Watch Episodes On: Youtube

Love Meter

Synopsis and Plot Summary

It tells the story of Dongfang Huaizhu and Wangquan Hongye, the helmsmen of two powerful clans - Dongfang and Wangquan. They work together to stabilize the situation and revive the Yiqi Alliance.

Fun Facts

  • It is the second of the three Fox Spirit Matchmaker live action series.
  • Female lead Liu Shishi and Yang Mi who stars in Fox Spirit Matchmaker 1 are good friends.
  • Liu Shishi was 36 when she filmed the drama while co-star Zhang Yunlong is just 1 year younger.
  • It is produced by iQIYI Pictures, Tencent Animation and Comics and Stellar.
  • The title Zhu Ye bears the female protagonist's name Huaizhu. She always hods a flute despite not knowing how to play it since she's trained as a warrior.
  • It is based on the Zhu Ye arc from the animated series and follows the parents of the protagonist of Wang Quan arc.
  • Huaizhu is sisters with Qinlan who is the mother of Dongfang Yuechu, Gong Jun's character and the main protagonist of Fox Spirit Matchmaker 1.
  • It was shot in Hengdian in the latter half of 2023.

Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2: Zhu Ye Cecilia Liu Shishi Cecilia Liu Shishi as Dong Fang Huai Zhu
Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2: Zhu Ye Leon Zhang Yunlong Leon Zhang Yunlong as Wang Quan Ba Ye

Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2: Zhu Ye / Fox Spirit Matchmaker 2 China Web Drama

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